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Zitate und Dialoge aus X-Men Origins: Wolverine (vorzugsweise von Victor Creed):

Bolt: (in his trailer after closing time, when someone knocks on the door)The show’s over. (knocking persists) I said, show's over..(and goes to open the door to find Sabretooth standing there)
Sabretooth: Show's never over for us, Bradley.
Bolt: Victor.
Sabretooth: Won't you invite me in?
Bolt: Yeah. Come on in...You know, I've never said anything, to anyone, about what happened. I'm livin' a totally different life now, Victor...I always thought it would be Wade to come knocking on my door.
Sabretooth: Well, Wade's gone.
Bolt: I'm not afraid of you. I'm afraid of dying.
Sabretooth: How do you know? You've never tried it before.
(outside, Bolt is heard screaming as all the lights in the carnival go out one after the other)

Bartender: (sees Sabretooth carving a smiley face in the table with his nails) You're not from around here, are you?
Sabretooth: What gave me away?
Wolverine: (from outside) VICTOR!!!!!
Sabretooth: (to bartender) You got insurance on this place?
Bartender: Insurance? No.
Sabretooth: Too bad. (after Wolverine crashes through the front door) Well, well, well. Look what the cat dragged in.
Bartender: Guys, whatever this is, take it outside.
Wolverine: (draws his claws in) Why? (Sabretooth killed Wolverine's girlfriend, Silver Fox.)
Sabretooth: You don't call, you don't write, how else am I supposed to get your attention?

(after seeing Wolverine's adamantium claws, unimpressed) Oooh, shiny.

Sabretooth: I'm not your friend. I'm an animal, who dreamed he was a man. But the dream is over. And the beast is awake. And I will come for you... because it's my nature.

I despise my humanity as much as you cherish yours. And I will come for you without mercy.

(alle von Wikiquote)

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